NPM : 25212558
Make the story about same-sex marriage, very difficult for me. because I don't the heavens ' embroidered friends or relatives around me, which I consider to be in a relationship like that. This time in my writing, I will discuss the relationship of same-sex in view of Islam, because I was born as a Muslim in the Koran as a guideline of life.
Allah SWT says :
" And [ We had sent] Lot when he said to his people, " Do you commit such immorality as no one has preceded you with from among the worlds? " Memang, you approach men with desire, instead of women. Rather, you are a transgressing people. " (QS. Al A’raf 80-81).
Paragraph above provide an overview to us that Gay-lesbi who promoted the liberal today, actually is deviant behavior that is very ancient. It's not the behavior of modern behavior is anathema to God Almighty was started by a man of the Prophet Luth a.s., namely the Sadum, is expected in the year 1800 BC. So the shameful it is known as sodomy, referring to the name of the Sadum.So my conclusion to do same-sex is unlawful as has been described in the Koran, but if I have friends who have that relationship, it doesn't matter what matters is that we can live in the sense of calm and peaceful and also has a high tolerance between one with the other.